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¿Está mal que los cristianos vacunen?

¿Está mal que los cristianos vacunen?

Ésta publicación está escrita para los cristianos que usan la Biblia como base de la moralidad. Creemos que la ciencia es una herramienta para aprender la verdad, pero no es un dios. No tendrás otros dioses delante de mí Éxodo 20 Confiar en un humano 

The Best Tasting Canned Fish

The Best Tasting Canned Fish

Fish are one of the best tasting, and nutritious snack foods. Canned fish are a convenient snack. It’s filling, and doesn’t feel heavy on your stomach. Many types of fish have been unfairly slandered by government agencies because of their supposedly high levels of mercury. 

Are Vaccines Morally Objectionable for Christians?

Are Vaccines Morally Objectionable for Christians?

This post is written for Christians who use the Bible as the basis of morality. We believe science is a tool for learning truth, but is not a god.

You shall have no other gods before me

Exodus 20

To trust in a human to save us is to make a false god. The belief that “The shot will protect me” is idolatrous. This is evidenced by the push to vaccinate, in spite of a lack of scientific evidence of safety and efficacy (blind faith).

The Old Testament of the Bible contains a mosaic of different types of writing. Much of it is historical. For example, Genesis documents the patriarchs, and retells ordinary human events from God’s perspective. The Old Testament also documents God’s interacting with people by giving them the moral Law, and instructing them in how to live godly lives. For example, the Ten Commandments are a summary the civil code, and “Love God, and love your neighbor as yourself” is a summary of the moral law. Other passages, for example in Leviticus, are instructions on how leaders should set up a civil government. For example, instructions in setting up the tabernacle, making sacrifices, and regulating the laws of a theocratic society.

Much of the Old Testament does not apply to believers today, although we must recognize that God is infinite in wisdom, and every Word of God contains wisdom and is useful for our instruction, and should influence our lives. During post industrial Europe, millions suffered miserable deaths from plagues and pandemics because they did not follow basic sanitary practices. Lack of sanitation, along with inadequate nutrition resulted in susceptibility to deadly diseases. Many more died from primitive medical practices, such as toxic drugs and experimental vaccines. Hand washing, bathing, sewage disposal, and fresh food would have saved countless lives. Instead, people turned to the primitive physicians, who prescribed toxic poisons, used therapeutic blood-letting, and didn’t wash their hands between performing an autopsy then delivering a baby.

Vaccines are a violation of the scriptures in many ways.

  • Most are made with cell lines from aborted babies. Fetal cells are used in research and testing, if not used for making the virus. The vaccine industry is very intertwined with the abortion industry, as David Daleiden has demonstrated.
  • Eating blood is prohibited by both the Old and New Testaments of The Bible. Blood serum of various animals is often used in vaccines.
  • The discharge from an infected sore was considered unclean in Leviticus 13. Early vaccines (going back hundreds or thousands of years) were made from pus from an infected sore, in a technique called variolation. Later techniques used pus and secretions from infected organs of animals. The pus, containing a plethora of unknown viruses, was passed back and forth from humans to animals, making modified viruses. Modern techniques use purified cell lines, but has poor effectiveness without the use of adjuvants, which are toxins designed to cause inflammation and to dis-regulate the adaptive immune system. Immunologists know that this is bad practice, but they don’t have a better alternative.
  • Novel technologies use mRNA and synthetic viruses. So far, they seem many of the same problems as earlier vaccines. This technology has the potential to work better, or the potential to cause greater harm. Those who are sounding the alarm in opposition include respected scientists, such as Robert Malone (the inventor of mRNA technology), and Nic Montenier (a Nobel Prize winning virologist), Judy Mikovits (Virogist) and many others. Doesn’t it require profound faith in science to allow someone to inject a manmade virus capable of altering genetic function? “Faith” and “science” are two words that shouldn’t be used together.
  • Sorcery and witchcraft are strongly prohibited on every page of the Bible. Science is not. How can we tell the difference? God has given certain guidelines and limits on how we are to interact with the natural world. In Genesis 1, after God had finished creating light, plants, animals, humans, and everything else, the passage says, “And God saw all that He had made, and behold, it was very good.” (KJV). To paraphrase, “God pronounced a blessing over His creation.” Likewise, humans are able to create. We can pronounce blessings (or otherwise) over the things we create. Someone associated with the occult may pronounce a satanic blessing over their toxic potions. Is this the case with vaccines or other drugs? I don’t know, but it’s within the realm of possibility. We should be aware of where our medicines come from.
  • Humans always fall into error when we believe ourselves to be smarter than God. For example, in the early 20th century the American Pediatrics Association endorsed infant formula as superior to breast milk. Formula was more “modern” and technologically advanced, since it was developed by qualified scientists who understood vitamins. God does not honor hubris.
  • Likewise, modern “experts” believe that they can improve the function of the immune system. Scientists improve on God’s design of the immune system by using toxic chemicals to elicit an inflammatory response. With an over-active adaptive and innate immune response, they introduce an antigen, and magically they’ve created “immunity”. This is just as barbaric as using mercury to treat infections, or bloodletting. Or teaching that powdered infant formula is superior to human milk. This practice should have ended long ago, but there is too much money at stake to change course.
  • Jesus’ strongly condemned those who witnessed the power of God, and attributed those miracles to Satan. How much more serious a crime it must be for us, who through modern technology are able to observe the intricacies of biology and the human immune system, attribute these miracles to “evolution”?
  • Fraud, threats, and injustice are not consistent with God’s purpose. Whistleblowers who challenge dogma or expose fraud are fired. Those who publish contrary research promptly lose their medical license, as recently happened to Dr. Paul Thomas and others. Primitive vaccines, such as the early Polio and Dryvax Smallpox shots had disastrous results, and served only to spread disease and suffering, while enriching shareholders. Like followers of a cult, people are convinced that “vaccines saved the world from Smallpox and Polio” which is the anthesis of reality. Drug companies are known to have created hit lists of whistleblowers or those who promote alternative treatments.
  • Vaccine research is often a cover for the development of bio-weapons. If you witnessed the exchange between Senator Dr. Rand Paul and Dr. Fauci, the discussion was about research funded by the NIH and NAIAD for the purpose of vaccine development, or “research”. Gain-of-function research is used to develop vaccines (or possibly for bioweapons). They falsely claim that natural mutations can transform harmless animal viruses into dangerous super-germs. This has never been observed, but is a-priori for belief in Darwinian evolution. Laboratory leaks, accidental or otherwise, can have tragic consequences.
  • Practitioners of science-based-medicine take the Hippocratic oath which begins with: First do no harm. To compel another person to participate in a dangerous experiment is a mockery of any code of ethics. All vaccines are experimental: Very few have any efficacy, and safety testing is not generally done. If you can show me a study proving safety and efficacy of any vaccine, please email me.
Covid-19 natural remedies – Where is the evidence?

Covid-19 natural remedies – Where is the evidence?

Disclaimer: Nothing contained here is medical advice. Viruses are all around us, and we constantly interact with them. We are all carrying around countless microbes, most of which are beneficial. Staying healthy isn’t about avoiding germs, but rather in being well nourished, and supporting the 

The Scandal of Sheetrock

The Scandal of Sheetrock

Sheetrock is considered an ideal building material because it’s inexpensive and looks good. It has low VOCs, so it’s mostly free of harmful chemicals when it is produced (without paint). Downsides:

What Causes IBS?

What Causes IBS?

Irritible bowel syndrome is not a disease. It’s just a name given to symptoms. So if you go to doctor complaining that your bowel is irritable, they’ll give you a diagnosis of Irritable bowel Syndrome. It’s just a name for the symptoms. 

Although, that’s not entirely true. There’s a test called IBSChek that can differentiate IBS. IBSChek was developed by Dr. Mark Pimmentel (a professor of Naturopathic Medicine), and looks for antibodies to Vinculin. 

What is Vinculin you may ask?  Vinculin is part of the Migrating Motor Complex of the small intestines. In other words, it’s part of the nerves in the intestines. So what happens is this: someone gets food Vinculinpoisioning (gastroenteritis). Certain bacteria produce a toxin called Cytolethal distending Toxin. (CtDT).  The immune system reacts to this CtDT toxin, and the antibodies cross react with Vinculin, which is a structure in your small intestines. So this could also be called “Post Infectious IBS”. If there’s not proper motility of the cells lining the small intestine, this will often lead to SIBO, or small intestinal bacterial overgrowth. That could lead to bloating, diarrhea, etc. 

So, ask your doctor to test you for Vinculin antibodies. If you have vinculin antibodies, then your IBS should be treated like an autoimmune condition. This would change the treatment protocol somewhat.

Food allergies can play a role in IBS. I don’t put a lot of faith in food allergy testing because the results can be very unreliable. If you’re allergic to a lot of different foods, then it just means that you have a lot of intestinal inflammation, and you might need to be on a gut-healing protocol for a while.

One of the things that’s changed dramatically in our diet in the last 150 years is the types of fats we’re consuming. Modern seed oils create imbalances in omega-6 to omega-3 ratio, and do not provide arachadonic acid in adaquate quantities. Arachadonic acid is a precursor to prostaglandins, which regulate the inflammatory process. Although most prostaglandins are considered to be “pro-inflammatory”, it’s more correct to say that prostaglandins regulate inflammation.

A diet that’s low in Arachadonic acid can cause disregulated gut inflammation, especially if there are other inflammatory triggers present. This is also why I encourage people NOT to take anti-inflammatory medicines such as Ibuprofen. NSAIDS, and most other pain medications block inflammation by blocking these prostaglandins, but can interfere with prostaglandin signaling, prevent the resolution of inflamation. This is likely one reason for the increase in food allergies.

There are a lot more chemicals in our environment than ever before. From GMO grains, herbicides, thickeners, plastics, medications, and poor quality foods. Chemicals cause imbalances in hormones, and disrupt gut bacteria.

Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) is very common in IBS. And a stool test is not going to tell you whether or not you have SIBO. If you have IBS, you can assume you have SIBO. SIBO is a form of disbiosis; and treating disbiosis will help the symptoms of IBS. A stool test such as the CDSA can also rule out other possible causes for your IBS such as parasites, enzyme insufficiency, poor gallaladder function.

Are you chewing your food completely before swallowing? Do you eat too quickly? Addressing the stomach should be #1 on the list, because if your stomach can’t do its job well, it will affect everything below it. Eat slowly, and chew your food well. Take a bi-phasic digestive enzyme. Use digestive bitters. When we’re under stress, digestion takes a back-seat to the stress response. This results in the stomach not producing enough acid. With insufficient stomach acid, proteins are not properly digested, and these un-digested proteins are fermented in the lower intestinal track, resulting in bloating, discomfort, and inflammation. Make sure you stay well hydrated, with water and electrolytes. You need plenty of salt to make stomach acid.

intestinal party

Consider the low-FODMAP diet. FODMAPS are starches that are healthy, but can feed pathogenic bacteria. This will eliminate a lot of healthy foods, but it might be necessary in the short term until symptoms improve.

Eliminate foods that make you feel worse! If you have an allergy to a food, you’ll have to remove it, at least in the short term. When you get some resolution of symptoms, re-do the allergy test, and the results will be more accurate. Grains contain lectins which are hard to digest. If you react to starches in general, consider testing for SIBO.

Fungal infections can cause IBS. If the stool test shows zero yeast, it likely means that the immune system is reacting to yeast. You might need to be on a low starch diet, and take a probiotic containing S. boulardii. Low dose immunotherpy (LDI) can be very helpful at removing food allergies. That’s not the same as the “allergy shots”. LDI uses homeopathic preparations of allegenic substances. For example, if your IBS is caused by an allergy to yeast, you could be given a homeopathic dose of yeast. It takes a long time and much trial and error to get the right dose, but it can be very effective. “Allergy shots” are a primitive, outdated therapy that works similar to vaccination. Unfortunately I’m not aware of any doctors here in the South that use LDI, but there are many on the West coast that consult remotely, and it’s common in many other countries.

Consider nervous system imbalance. Someone who is chronically stressed or anxious will unconciously suppress their digestive function. Magnesium and potassium are helpful in the short term for promoting calm. Nervine herbs, such as passionflower or skullcap extract can work wonders. In extreme cases, I’ve used Kava to relieve anxiety. Stress can deplete other minerals and vitamins, such as vitamin B5. If anxiety is a problem, consider a good quality b-complex vitamin, and minerals. Bone broth is a good source of minerals and collagen.

The Elemental Diet is an easy-to-digest protein powder designed to be anti-inflammatory. It’s expensive, but possibly helpful in the short term, especially if you’re having trouble getting enough calories.

Herbal Antibiotics: I like to cook with garlic, oregono, rosemary, or any of the other aromatic herbs. These herbs have oils that have strong anti-bacterial properties. I also use a plethora of other herbal products such as berberine that have gentle antibiotic and anti-parasitic properties. These herbs will change the balance of the gut flora slowly over time. Use a small amount of baking soda when cooking. Baking soda has anti-inflammatory properties for the gut.

Probiotics might be a good short-term treatment. They could also make symptoms worse. But in the long term, I prefer to use prebiotic fibers, such as FOS, GOS, glucomannan, or inulin to promote the growth of healthy gut flora. If you have taken antibiotics recently, you’ll need to work extra hard on gut health.

Hyperimmune egg protein is often helpful for IBS. I’ve never tried it, but let me know if you do. It contains antibodies against certain bacteria.

Any inflammation in the gut can cause a slow gallbladder function, since the gallbladder is triggered by endogenous peptides produced in the border of the upper small intestine. If you have gallbladder symptoms, you can take supplements to ease symptoms. Cooked beets are easy to digest, and have nutrients for supporting bile flow.

Did your symptoms start after an injury, or abdominal surgery? Accupuncture, abdominal massage, or vagal nerve stimulation can help to remove adhesions in the intestines that can affect motility. Singing, and other deep-breating exercizes stimulate the vagus nerve.

Image: Non-channel mechanosensors working at focal adhesion-stress fiber complex – Scientific Figure on ResearchGate. Available from: [accessed 22 Jun, 2023]



Robert StephensTest and Balance Professional5003 Walzem Rd #207San Antonio, TX 1 916 877 6670An experienced and reliable technician.Clean driving record. No criminal record.Proficient with commercial TAB, technical writing, equipment repair and maintenance. Background in electronics and engineering.Six Sigma Green BeltBilingual (English, Spanish) Work Experience 

Muscle Tension

Muscle Tension

What can you do for tight muscles, especially in the shoulders and back? Poor posture can be a cause (forward head posture) Use better sitting posture Consult a PT (Moench method) Pettibon Chiropractor for exersizes and therapies to improve posture Personal trainer can give you 

High Blood Pressure – Does it have a nutritional cause?

High Blood Pressure – Does it have a nutritional cause?

Dr Mark Houston: Neo40 nitric oxide booster, arterocil is a glycocalix builder, whey protein, and CoQ10, mag chelates.

In the last few years, I’ve talked to a few people who had elevated blood pressure, with an unknown cause. Typically, we think of high blood pressure as being associated with heart disease or insulin resistance, typically in an older person. When someone has athleroschlerosis the artery walls become stiff and no longer able to produce nitric oxide. These were younger, heathy people. They had both been checked out by doctors, and had not found a definite cause for their hypertension.

Inflammation can raise blood pressure. This is why when you’re sick, your blood pressure might go up a little bit. This is only mild and temporary. I’m talking about long term elevated blood pressure.

One condition that sometimes gets overlooked is IgA nephropathy. This is a condition in which immunoglobulins (a type of immune cells) get tangled up and form large immune complexes that get stuck in the glomerulus of the kidney, and result in high blood pressure. Usually this will result in protein and blood in the urine, and this will also be diagnosed with a urinalysis. IgA nephropathy is considered to be a genetic disease. There is definitely a genetic component, because there’s a missing amino acid in the IgA molecule, but there’s some research showing that it could be related to a food allergy.

There are genetics in the nitric oxide synthase gene that predispose to high blood pressure. This could be partly be corrected by arginine supplementation.

Also, consider if sleep apnea could be an issue. I met a guy who had high blood pressure for many years, along with an abnormal heart rhythm, and for decades he never got a proper diagnosis, except that the doctor told him that he needed to take blood pressure medications. After he got treatment for sleep apnea, the blood pressure normalized, and he had a normal heart rhythm. The sleep apnea was probably resulting in loss of sodium, which was causing blood pressure to go up.

If you’re a mouth breather, or if you sleep with your mouth open, this is a serious concern. We’re designed to breathe mostly through our nose. Mouth breathing will result in improper oxygenation of tissues, and ……………….

Chronic sinus infections can made it difficult to breathe through the nose. Often it’s the result of improper posture. There are treatments for this. Look up videos or podcasts that describe mouth taping, or other therapies for mouth breathing.

Another thing that can cause high blood pressure is mineral deficiencies. If you’re not consuming enough salt, low sodium will cause an activation of stress hormones which cause blood pressure to go up. Most of us need to be getting much more salt in our diet. Our kidneys spend a lot of energy to reabsorb sodium. Consuming more sodium will increase blood volume, and this is a good thing, but it can cause problems if sodium is out of balance with other minerals.

Inadequate intake of minerals, including trace minerals, is very common. This is partly because we don’t consume enough mineral rich foods. Obviously, agriculture has changed a lot in recent years, with soils being depleted of minerals. Even 100 years ago, scientists were lamenting the fact that farmland was being depleted, and we were losing topsoil, and obviously it’s much worse now. We need to be more proactive in making sure we’re not deficient. Insulin resistance or inflammatory conditions can result in excessive losses of magnesium and potassium. It’s possible to test for vitamin and mineral deficiencies, but they testing is quite expensive, and I haven’t done enough of them to have confidence in the results. Hair mineral analysis would be a good option to evaluate mineral status.

The single best source of minerals is from meat and meat products, for example, homemade bone broths. Even if people are eating meat, what are they eating it with? Typically we eat meat along with bread, or other cereal grains. This is a huge problem. Grains and seeds are extremely high in phytates. Phytate, or phytic acid, is made by plants as a way of holding onto minerals, until the seed is ready to germinate. Traditionally grains have always undergone a special preparation method before cooking. For example, bread dough would be fermented to produce “sour dough” bread. We think of sourdough bread as being a flavor, but it’s actually an very old tradition of making bread more digestible. Native Americans would soak nuts and seeds for several days before consuming. “Maza” or cornmeal has to go through a certain process to make tryptophan more digestible, and it’s actually a method of fermentation. Grains also contain the phytase enzyme that breaks down phytic acid, but modern store-bought bread and cereals are made in high-temperature, high-speed production methods, which destroys phytase, and leaves very high levels of phytic acid.

So how do we survive eating modern processed foods? Well, our stomach produces enzymes to deal with plant starches, even though store-bought bread from modern species of wheat has protease and amalase inhibitors that make it harder to digest.

Most of the deactivation of phytates is done by our own intestinal bacteria. So someone who has excellent digestion could probably do fine eating it, but most of us don’t. Perhaps it would make sense to use a probiotic, and take some digestive enzymes. It’s also best to avoid store-bought breads. I encourage everyone, if you eat bread, to make it yourself, and start making bone broth from scratch, and take mineral supplements, especially magnesium. And salt your food to taste. If you crave salt, you probably need more salt.

If you want to learn more about mineral intake, and it’s relationship to blood pressure I’ll link to some books and articles

Dr Maki: Try Rawolfia. Inositol hexacinate doesn’t work very well for blood pressure. Magnesium and Potassium. I use a buffered vitamin C plus Cardio VH or Carditone. Maybe extra potassium. Putting them on a low glycemic diet, and blood pressure should come down quick. Check for food sensitivies. Do a liver cleanse. It will reduce blood pressure. Try a ketogenic diet. Consider IgA nephropathy.

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Aceite Vegetal: ¿Es Saludable?

Los expertos dicen que la grasa más saludable es el aceite vegetal, por ejemplo, aceite de maíz, canola, safflower. Estos expertos también dicen, que lo peor que uno puede comer, es la comida frita. Pero, ¿qué aceite usamos para freir las papas, tortillas, y comida 

How to convert a 2010-2014 Subaru Outback to FWD. (AWD to FWD conversion, 6MT transmission, with pictures.)

How to convert a 2010-2014 Subaru Outback to FWD. (AWD to FWD conversion, 6MT transmission, with pictures.)

Why would someone choose to ruin a perfectly good Subaru by eliminating the AWD system? In my case, I had a defective center differential, which caused binding on turns. By converting to FWD, you’ll get better gas mileage, and eliminate the need to have all