¿Está mal que los cristianos vacunen?

¿Está mal que los cristianos vacunen?

Ésta publicación está escrita para los cristianos que usan la Biblia como base de la moralidad. Creemos que la ciencia es una herramienta para aprender la verdad, pero no es un dios. No tendrás otros dioses delante de mí Éxodo 20 Confiar en un humano 

The Scandal of Sheetrock

The Scandal of Sheetrock

Sheetrock is considered an ideal building material because it’s inexpensive and looks good. It has low VOCs, so it’s mostly free of harmful chemicals when it is produced (without paint). Downsides:

The Best Tasting Canned Fish

The Best Tasting Canned Fish

Fish are one of the best tasting, and nutritious snack foods. Canned fish are a convenient snack. It’s filling, and doesn’t feel heavy on your stomach. Many types of fish have been unfairly slandered by government agencies because of their supposedly high levels of mercury. 



Robert StephensTest and Balance Professional5003 Walzem Rd #207San Antonio, TX 78218rg_stephens@nutrition101.org 1 916 877 6670An experienced and reliable technician.Clean driving record. No criminal record.Proficient with commercial TAB, technical writing, equipment repair and maintenance. Background in electronics and engineering.Six Sigma Green BeltBilingual (English, Spanish) Work Experience 

High Blood Pressure – Does it have a nutritional cause?

High Blood Pressure – Does it have a nutritional cause?

Dr Mark Houston: Neo40 nitric oxide booster, arterocil is a glycocalix builder, whey protein, and CoQ10, mag chelates. In the last few years, I’ve talked to a few people who had elevated blood pressure, with an unknown cause. Typically, we think of high blood pressure 

Aceite Vegetal: ¿Es Saludable?

Aceite Vegetal: ¿Es Saludable?

Los expertos dicen que la grasa más saludable es el aceite vegetal, por ejemplo, aceite de maíz, canola, safflower. Estos expertos también dicen, que lo peor que uno puede comer, es la comida frita. Pero, ¿qué aceite usamos para freir las papas, tortillas, y comida 

Are Vaccines Morally Objectionable for Christians?

Are Vaccines Morally Objectionable for Christians?

To compel another person to participate in a dangerous experiment is a mockery of any code of ethics.

How to convert a 2010-2014 Subaru Outback to FWD. (AWD to FWD conversion, 6MT transmission, with pictures.)

How to convert a 2010-2014 Subaru Outback to FWD. (AWD to FWD conversion, 6MT transmission, with pictures.)

Why would someone choose to ruin a perfectly good Subaru by eliminating the AWD system? In my case, I had a defective center differential, which caused binding on turns. By converting to FWD, you’ll get better gas mileage, and eliminate the need to have all 

Are There Natural Treatments for Familial Adenomatous Polyposis?

Are There Natural Treatments for Familial Adenomatous Polyposis?

If you’ve gotten a diagnosis of Familial Adenomatous Polyposis, or FAP, you’ve probably been told that surgery is your only option. Without treatment, FAP results in a 100% chance of developing into colon cancer. That’s scary! Is there anything you can do? First of all, 

Illegal Immigration – The Cause

Illegal Immigration – The Cause

What No One is Telling You! An Editorial Comment by William C. Hicks – September 2016 I kept the photo provided by my word processor template I am using while writing this as I travel visiting our family across the U.S.. I kept it because