¿Está mal que los cristianos vacunen?

¿Está mal que los cristianos vacunen?

Ésta publicación está escrita para los cristianos que usan la Biblia como base de la moralidad. Creemos que la ciencia es una herramienta para aprender la verdad, pero no es un dios. No tendrás otros dioses delante de mí Éxodo 20 Confiar en un humano 

What Causes IBS?

What Causes IBS?

Irritible bowel syndrome is not a disease. It’s just a name given to symptoms. So if you go to doctor complaining that your bowel is irritable, they’ll give you a diagnosis of Irritable bowel Syndrome. It’s just a name for the symptoms.  Although, that’s not 

The Best Tasting Canned Fish

The Best Tasting Canned Fish

Fish are one of the best tasting, and nutritious snack foods. Canned fish are a convenient snack. It’s filling, and doesn’t feel heavy on your stomach. Many types of fish have been unfairly slandered by government agencies because of their supposedly high levels of mercury. 

Muscle Tension

Muscle Tension

What can you do for tight muscles, especially in the shoulders and back? Poor posture can be a cause (forward head posture) Use better sitting posture Consult a PT (Moench method) Pettibon Chiropractor for exersizes and therapies to improve posture Personal trainer can give you 

Aceite Vegetal: ¿Es Saludable?

Aceite Vegetal: ¿Es Saludable?

Los expertos dicen que la grasa más saludable es el aceite vegetal, por ejemplo, aceite de maíz, canola, safflower. Estos expertos también dicen, que lo peor que uno puede comer, es la comida frita. Pero, ¿qué aceite usamos para freir las papas, tortillas, y comida 

Are Vaccines Morally Objectionable for Christians?

Are Vaccines Morally Objectionable for Christians?

To compel another person to participate in a dangerous experiment is a mockery of any code of ethics.

Covid-19 natural remedies – Where is the evidence?

Covid-19 natural remedies – Where is the evidence?

Disclaimer: Nothing contained here is medical advice. Viruses are all around us, and we constantly interact with them. We are all carrying around countless microbes, most of which are beneficial. Staying healthy isn’t about avoiding germs, but rather in being well nourished, and supporting the 

Mouse study finds toxic effects of glyphosate in the second and third generation after exposure

Mouse study finds toxic effects of glyphosate in the second and third generation after exposure

When a pregnant mouse (F0) was injected with glyphosate, effects are seen on the children (F1), grandchildren (F2), and great-grand mouse children (F3).

Autoimmune Disease: A Weak Immune System?

Autoimmune Disease: A Weak Immune System?

Common knowledge says that autoimmunity is an overactive immune system. In other words, “the body is attacking itself.” Not exactly. In most cases, the immune system isn’t too strong, it’s actually too weak, and becomes dysfunctional. The immune system is made up of various components. 

Do blood-thinning drugs cause heart disease?

Do blood-thinning drugs cause heart disease?

Summary: If you are taking coumadin, you may be at risk of heart disease because of vitamin K deficiency. This risk can be reduced by supplementing with certain forms of vitamin K, without adversely affecting your clotting risk. Only change your medication dose under the