Covid-19 natural remedies – Where is the evidence?

Disclaimer: Nothing contained here is medical advice. Viruses are all around us, and we constantly interact with them. We are all carrying around countless microbes, most of which are beneficial. Staying healthy isn’t about avoiding germs, but rather in being well nourished, and supporting the innate defenses that God has given us.

Although Covid-19 is new, other coronaviruses have been around for a long time, and a plethora of research can be found about them.

Immune system: A recent study shows that lymphocyte count is the most significant marker for predicting the severity of the disease. This makes sense, given that lymphocytes increase when the immune system slows inflammation and begins antibody generation. This is why supporting dendritic cell function is so important. I’ll discuss this later. In general, the health of your immune system is the most important factor in protection against infection. Older people are more vulnerable to the flu because they are more likely to be undernourished due to poor digestion and low protein intake. Older people frequently have low levels of niacin, Vitamin D, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, zinc, and other nutrients. Low selenium levels are endemic to some parts of the world (especially central China), and increases the vulnerability to all types of infections.

Antiseptic: A rinse of 1% poviodine dramatically reduced the risk of dying from Covid-19 in this study:

Medications: Immune suppressing drugs such as steroids could increase susceptibility to infection. DON’T USE TYLENOL or Ibuprofen. These drugs may improve symptoms, but will slow your immune response to infection.
Melatonin is a regulator of the immune system, and has been investigated as a treatment for Covid-19. Levels of melatonin decrease with age. If you’re high risk for infection, it wouldn’t hurt to take a moderate dose at bedtime, and a larger dose with an active infection.

Aspirin slows down clotting, and has been shown to reduce the risk of death. Omega 3 oils probably are a good idea also (REFERENCE)

Monoclonal antibodies uses an extract from the blood of those who have recovered from the illness. Blood serum contains immunoglobulins, which are antibodies.

Hydrochloroquine probably works by allowing zinc to cross cell membranes (a zinc ionophore), allowing it to get inside of cells where they block viral RNA replication. It might also interfere with the virus binding to ACE receptors. Quercetin is a bioflavanoid that also is a zinc ionophore, therefore would likely have the same effect. If you’re using either of these, make sure you take Zinc at the same time.

Vitamin C is an essential part of the innate immune system. We need moderate doses of Vitamin C for proper immune system and connective tissue health. It should be a part of everyone’s daily supplement regimen. Vitamin C has a long history of use for viral infections. Be cautious using very large doses during viral pneumonia. Extremely high doses are dangerous for certain people, so check with your healthcare provider.

Herbs: Licorice is an adrenal and liver tonic, which I’ve used for many years. It has broad-spectrum antiviral properties. It slows viral replication, inhibits viral entry into cells, and inhibits cytokine cascades. Licorice should be used cautiously during pregnancy or autoimmune conditions. For prevention, I take a combination of licorice and lomatium root extract. Lomatium is an herb used by native Americans for treating respiratory infections. It has antiviral properties, based on anecdotal evidence. I use it when I feel that I’m coming down with a respiratory infection.

Some mushrooms have alpha and beta glucans, which have a positive effect on the immune system, for most people. Lions-mane also could be used as an immune booster.

For Prevention: Dmitry Kats recommends Curcumen (from Turmeric) for balancing the gut microbiome in favor in a favorable way. Curcumen would be advisable for long-hauler syndrome. Turmeric can be found in most grocery stores, and is commonly used in Asian food as a spice.

Herbs for healing: If someone is already infected with viral pneumonia, consider herbs that modulate cytokine responses (such as Licorice, Astragalus, or Elderberry), and protect lung tissue from hypoxia-induced oxidative damage (Rhodiola), and stimulate dendritic cell maturation (the Cordyceps mushroom). Dendritic cells support the adaptive immune system. Other plants with demonstrated activity against SARS-group coronaviruses can be found here:

Homeopathic: Many websites have been recommending certain homeopathic remedies as a preventative for Covid-19. This originated from the government of India. These recommendations are speculative, and I can’t find any credible evidence supporting their use, anecdotal or otherwise. I’ll update this if I learn more.

Other: A few studies have shown silver nanoparticles (colloidal silver) to inhibit both H1H1 and H3N2 influenza. The U.S. Navy. Bureau of Medicine and Surgery (July 1919) reported it being successfully used during the 1918 flu epidemic. Although it hasn’t been studied against coronavirus, it probably wouldn’t hurt to try.

Protocols: Here are some popular protocols used by some physicians:

  • David Brownstein uses Oral Vitamins A, C, D, and iodine for treating respiratory infections. In this trial, treatment groups were given ozone therapy, or dilute hydrogen peroxide via a nebulizer. The results are here:
  • A study from Bangladesh shows an 88% reduction in mortality by rinsing the mouth, nose, and eyes with a 1% solution of iodine (INSERT REFERENCE)
  • Dr. Zelenko popularized hydroxychloroquine, His protocol also includes zinc, vitamin D, and an antibiotic.
  • Paul Marik promotes the use of Ivermectrin. The complete protocol for early treatment includes mouthwash (either antiseptic, or 1% poviodine with essential oils), Vitamin D3 1,000–3,000 IU/day, Vitamin C 500–1,000 mg 2 x daily, Quercetin 250 mg/day, Zinc 30–40 mg/day (elemental zinc), and Melatonin 6 mg before bedtime (causes drowsiness). See
  • A recent study published in Lancet suggested that 1.66 grams of Arginine twice daily dramatically decreased mortality, even in patients who already had pneumonia. A larger trial is underway. Arginine is a precursor to nitric oxide.

The antiviral and antimicrobial activities of licorice, a widely-used Chinese herb
Lymphopenia predicts disease severity of COVID-19: a descriptive and predictive study
Immune Antivirals, by Stephen Buhner.
COVID-19: Melatonin as a potential adjuvant treatment:
Selenium deficiency increases the pathology of an influenza virus infection Two Easily Available Lab Markers to Identify Patients at Risk of Severe COVID-19:, but not enough research had been done to be certain

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